S2, Episode 6: Learn about BelliBind with Princess McKinney-Kirk

In this episode, Princess and I discuss

What are the origins of bengkung belly binding?

  • It originated from Malaysia and Indonesia

  • It began as a practice for royals

  • It is one example of many cultures that bind and care for new parents in the early days

Who can do belly binding? When can they start?

  • People who have given birth (vaginal or surgical) 

  • People who have had abdominal surgery, such as a hysterectomy 

  • Belly binding can begin from immediately after birth and continue for months 

  • People who should not have binding done include people who only want to lose weight or people who have severe abdominal or pelvic floor issues (unless recommended by pelvic floor physical therapist)

What are the benefits of belly binding?

  • Posture support

  • Increased hip stability 

  • Reducing rib flaring

  • Engage the core 

  • Bring warmth to womb space 

  • Encourage uterine involution, which decreases time of bleeding 

  • Gently drawing abdominal space together

  • and soooo much more

What are the universal postpartum needs? Why is it so important for new birth parents to have these needs met?

  • These come from The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson

  • They are rest, wise connection, contact with nature, nourishment, and loving touch 

  • These postpartum needs reduce postpartum mood disorders and help new parents adjust

What is the virtual or in-person service like?

  • There are a few package options

  • The session educates about womb massage and healing

  • It is a spa-like experience that includes a lot of education about postpartum

How can people connect with BelliBind?

Enjoy the episode!

Princess McKinney-Kirk is  a wife and mom of two little ones, a best selling author, and reformed burnt-out postpartum doula turned Master Recovery Coach for women wanting a better postpartum experience. She is the owner of the brand Bellibind a company that recognizes the transition into mother/parent-hood as sacred, honoring the importance of womb healing for every birthing person.

Gigi Vera

Hi! I’m Gigi, and I’m a postpartum doula. I help new parents adjust so that they thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond. 


S2, Episode 7: Why You Should Prepare for a Cesarean


S2, Episode 5: Create a Unique Baby Registry