Safe essential oils for baby

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Essential oils can be a great tool to relax and heal. However, they are extremely potent, so you should be very careful and complete your research before using them. This post will give you the basics of using essential oils with your baby.

Essential oils should be used intentionally

Consider the reason you want to use a certain essential oil. Similar to choosing a certain medication when sick, essential oils shouldn’t be used randomly. Each essential oil has a purpose, and some shouldn’t be used for children. I trust and use Plant Therapy because they have a KidSafe line and their information is research-based. Be observant when using oils as well. Watch for irritation or allergies.

Essential oils should not be ingested

Oils are incredibly strong and powerful. While there is no definitive research on children due to ethical concerns, there are many reports of injuries caused by ingesting essential oils. Children and babies should never ingest essential oils.

essential oils should be diffused for short periods of time

A diffuser is a great way to safely benefit from essential oils. However, you should only diffuse oils intermittently. I turn mine on with a timer for 30 minutes a few times a day.

Essential oils must be diluted

Diluting essential oils mean they are mixed into a carrier oil. Popular carrier oils are coconut, jojoba, almond, and olive. It is very important to dilute safely. For babies, this means that you add one or two drops for each ounce of carrier oil. You can blend it in advance.

Those are my tips for using essential oils with babies! Want to learn more about having a non-toxic household? Schedule a Prenatal Meeting with me or consider my intensive, VIP Ready for Baby in a Day!

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Hi! I'm Gigi; I'm a postpartum doula, mother to three toddlers, including twins, and a wife to my high school sweetheart. I’m a #swiftie who loves cheesy novels.

As a former teacher, I bring realistic, evidence-based, and actionable advice (and LOTS of handouts.) I help families get the tools they need to prepare, so once baby arrives, they can focus on resting and bonding instead of researching or stressing. I’m here to streamline the newborn learning curve and help birth parents, partners, and other family members. There isn’t ONE way to have and raise a little human. I’m here to guide parents to find THEIR way so that they can thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond.

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Gigi Vera

Hi! I’m Gigi, and I’m a postpartum doula. I help new parents adjust so that they thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond.

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